

Our fight against gravity continues! Just like in previous years, the Documentary Academy will prepare a content-rich program for diverse audiences. Our main aim is to popularize documentary films and showcase how documentary filmmaking can have a real impact on our lives. This year’s motto is “Watch and Act”!
During the festival, we invite students and teachers to attend our screenings, because documentary films are an excellent source of the knowledge necessary to function in today’s world. Each screening will be followed by a workshop which will allow audiences to absorb through experience the information they have learned by watching the movies.

During festival weekends, parents with young children will be able to attend OKI DOKI, a selection of documentary movies for kids, and thus spend time with them in a stimulating environment. On weekdays, parents with infants will be able to attend screenings tailored to their needs.

The idea of inter-generational connections, inaugurated last year, became one of the foundations of the Academy. During the festival, we will organize workshops, at which participants of all ages will be invited to share cinematic experiences and exchange ideas. We will also be popularizing among seniors the ideas of volunteer work and writing film reviews. There will be meetings dedicated specifically to senior citizens, but we invite them to participate in all festival events.

For the first time in the festival’s history, the jury of the Documentary Academy Award will consist of high school students and senior citizens. This year’s Documentary Academy will feature the concluding screening of the New Economy: People, Not Numbers cycle, which was very popular among university students, and the inauguration of a new psychological cycle Same But Different, which will be continued throughout the year.

More information available at www.akademiadokumentalna.pl