
Raffaele Pinto

Raffaele Pinto (1951) – born  in  Naples and  educated  at  the  Universities  of  Naples and Pisa. Raffaele Pinto is currently  Associate  Professor  of  Italian  Philology  at  the  University  of  Barcelona.  He  is  the president  of  the  “Societat  Catalana  d’Estudis  Dantescos”  and the  coordinator  of  the  “Seminario  de  psicoanálisis,  cine  y literature” at the Universitat de Barcelon. The main topics of his interest are theory and history of literature and how Dante’s literary output influenced literature and cinema. He is a protagonist of the film Academy of Muses that will be presented during 13. Millennium Docs Against Gravity Film Festival.